Welcome to Sensouri!

Hey there! So you're curious about our story? Well, buckle up and get ready for an adventure!

I've been formulating my own skincare for personal use since 2020. I've had so many people, friends family and total strangers, ask me what skincare products I use. At first I was embarrassed to share my story as the answer was a simple one, with no high-end luxury well-known brands or any exquisite salon treatments.

In 2022 I took the leap and decided to share my products with others.

I continously develop new products and expand the range. My philosophy is simplicity and sustainability. Exploiting nature is not always the answer and therefore my products are not all 100% natural. I love botanicals and use them where they add maximum effect - in carefully curated active ingredients.

I believe in honest beauty - we'd rather be real, just like you.

Made with ❤️ by us


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.